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The Pender Post offers full page, full colour advertising space on its inside and outside cover pages, and black and white (greyscale) ads in various sizes on its interior pages.

All advertisements must be for products, services or events available on Pender Island.

Rates and Sizes


Black and White

1 block                                               2.33" x 2.33"                                              $11

2 blocks vertical                                2.33" x 4.66"                                              $22

2 blocks horizontal                            4.91" x 2.33"                                              $22

3 blocks vertical                                2.33" x 6.99"                                              $33

3 blocks horizontal                            7.5" x 2.33"                                                $33

4 blocks vertical                                2.33" x 9.75"                                              $44

4 blocks (cluster)                               4.91" x 4.66"                                              $44

Half  page                                          7.5" x 4.75"                                                $66

Full page                                            7.5" x 9.75"                                              $132


All colour ads are 8.5" x 11". They must include a .25" bleed for total dimensions of 9" x 11.5". Text and logos should be no less than .5" from the edge.


Inside front cover                              $135

Inside back cover                              $135

Back cover                                         $140


Inside front cover                              $190

Inside back cover                              $190

Back cover                                         $200

Preference is given to local not-for-profits. If available, space may be provided to commercial advertisers.


Advertising Contacts


Production Manager




There is no charge for obituaries for Pender Island residents. Photos with up to 200 words should be submitted to the Production Manager by the 19th of each month.


Pre-payment is required for new advertisers and for single placement ads.

Pre-payment discount

Advertisers that pre-pay for 12 months will be given a 5% discount.


Black and white ads are due by 5 pm on the 19th of the month preceding publication (except for the January issue when the deadline is December 12.) Advance notice is appreciated. New advertisers should submit ads at least two days prior to this deadline.

Colour ads are due by noon on the 15th of the month preceding publication and must be booked in advance through the Production Manager.

Submitting Ads

All ads must be submitted as 300 dpi press quality PDF or PSD files and should be sent to the Production Manager at

Political Advertising Not Accepted

As stipulated in our constitution and bylaws, The Pender Post shall not be used to promote any political interests. However, we will accept one-line calendar listings for candidates’ meetings or visits. Those holding office may place ads notifying readers of their contact information. Prior to elections, we invite candidates to submit, at no charge, a 500-word statement and photograph.

© 2025 All rights reserved - The Pender Post Society

The Pender Post is a non-profit society.

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